The dates are set and the crew is assembled! This years MAJET trip to Yuki Matsuri will include 32 people from Miyagi and Sendai combined. Just as a reminder, here's a quick breakdown of the schedule.
Feb. 9th (Wed), 2011- We ship out from Sendai Port at 7:40 Wednesday night. The closest station to Sendai Port is Nakano-sakae (中野栄) on the Senseki (仙石) line. We highly recommend people aim to be at the port at 7:00. Its a fair walk from Nakano-sakae, but if you arrive at the station from 6:30 to 7:00 we can all save some money by sharing taxis. Feb. 10th (Thurs)- Arrive in Toma-komai in the morning, bus it in to Sapporo, check in to the hostel, and then free time for a few hours. Reassemble at 7:00 for a wicked nomi-tabe houdai at the Sapporo Beer Garden, and then for those interested its off to club Booty! Feb. 11th to Feb 13th (Fri- Sun): Adventure time! Entertain yourselves with the countless winter wonders Sapporo has to offer~ Check out ice carvings in the park, drink hot wine (some are better than others), eat at the cake buffet, do shopping downtown, hit up the chocolate museum, try some Sapporo ramen or crab, go skiing/snowboarding at one of the most famous resorts in Japan, build a snowman, see the lights in Otaru (the Venice of Japan), carve yourself a mug out of ice, find your way through a snow maze, go down a snow slide, go to the zoo, drink yourself silly, wait in a ridiculous line to get some expensive omiyage for your teachers (not recommended, but some will do it), hit the slopes again, etc. The world is your Sapporo oyster. Feb. 14th (Mon)- We'll be bus-ing it back to Tomaikomai in the afternoon, but you'll still have plenty of time for last minute shopping / general Sapporo chillaxing in the morning. We'll be ferrying back overnight. Feb. 15th (Tues) - The dream is over and its back to the real world. We will arrive back at Sendai Port at 10:00 am, where with teary eyes we will part our ways, but our hearts will be consoled by memories, memories of one of the rockin-est events in all of Japan.
Got news?Got some news you want to share with everyone? E-mail us and we can post it here! Want to join?Send us your name and email, and we'll get back to you!
January 2025