Saturday, July 9th. Say sayonara to your senpai in the sweltering summer sun!
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Presidents: Cameron Peek and Claudine Marais Cameron: Fast Facts: 3rd year Miyagi CIR. Cottonwood, Arizona, USA native. Fun Fact: At most 1 in 6 bears is a Grizzly. Japan Fact: Japan enjoys 4 distinct seasons, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Sakura. Come to MAJET and let's enjoying! Claudine: The Craw,The Claw, Crawdeen, Crawdat, C-Dog. I am called many names in this strange land, including 'Jessica'. I'm a third year ALT from South Africa, but I've only re-contracted so I can add radioactive super powers to my skills set of polygamy, racism and ninja rap (as well as an intermediary level of South African Cliches Generation). I appreciate days when I don't have to set my alarm, well maintained facial hair and tequila. May the Awesomeness be with us for the 2011/2012 JET year! Or, at least, until one of the End of the World prophecies comes true. And, no, this will not entitle you to a refund on your membership fees. Vice President: Brian Garvey My name is Brian. My blood type is internet. I enjoy grain alcohol, mealtimes that are epic and singing enka (see: “grain alcohol”). Let’s be friends. Treasurer: Marissa Godwin Marissa is from Ottawa, born and raised On the playground was where she spent most of her days Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool And all shootin some b-ball outside of school When a couple of guys Who were up to no good Startin making trouble in her neighborhood She got in one little fight and her mom was shinpai She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Sendai. ---------------------------------------------- We look forward to serving you this year!* *A 20% gratuity will be added for groups over 8 people. |
Got news?Got some news you want to share with everyone? E-mail us and we can post it here! Want to join?Send us your name and email, and we'll get back to you!
January 2025