Here is the new MAJET team:
President: Stacey Taplin The kids call me Spicy. I'm from Seattle so yes...Ichiro is my best friend. Some things I enjoy are watching countless hours of crappy reality TV, finding old omiyage in my desk and jamming to Lady Gaga karaoke. I am a third year JET and I'm pumped to be a part of the MAJET team. If you haven't joined MAJET yet...why don't you try! Vice-President: Cameron Peek Fast Facts: 2nd year Miyagi CIR. Cottonwood, Arizona, USA native. BWH: 37-33-40. Fun Fact: At most 1 in 6 bears is a Grizzly. Japan Fact: Japan enjoys 4 distinct seasons, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Sakura. Let's come and be enjoying MAJET! Treasurer: Claudine Bennent Claudine hails from South Africa and has led a normal life. Like everyone else, she was raised by a pack of neurotic wolves in the Siberian wilderness - where she learnt how to eat ribs without getting any sauce on herself. She was rediscovered by MacGyver in an ancient Mayan temple when she was four years old, and spent the next fourteen years traveling the world repeatedly hijacking the A-Team. At 18 she hit rock bottom when she applied for a job at the traffic department. When she's not working on her script for the next Star Wars movie - in which Indian Jones acquires Jedi powers (she's sent it to George Lucas, but he hasn't had time to read it yet), Claudine writes self-introductions for occasions like this. Oh, and she thinks 'absurd' is a cool word, and often uses it to impress people. She is currently in Japan to discover the source of Hello Kitty's power, so that she may use it against her and thus end Kitty's tyrannical reign.
MAJET is looking for good, quality pictures of famous points and places in Sendai and Miyagi. We would like to post them on the website. Many of us ALTs are snapping shots all the time, some of us with very nice cameras we've bought here in Japan. Are you one of those ALTs? If you have any good pictures that you'd like to share, please send them our way! All the credit will be yours. We'll publish the photos with your name below them (or not, if you prefer). It's win-win!
We are also looking for a new photo for our rotating header image. The current one is of a Tori gate in Ishinomaki during spring sakura season. If you have a good representative image of Miyagi/Sendai, preferably summer related, we'd love to use it! (Header Image Size: 917x260) What to do? Just send your pics to [email protected] including:
Got news?Got some news you want to share with everyone? E-mail us and we can post it here! Want to join?Send us your name and email, and we'll get back to you!
January 2025